God has a great plan for your life. But it won't work unless you understand what he wants to do. The Scriptures show you how to make his plan work for you in all areas of your life. Make the most of what God wants to do through you!

All Topics address: Discovering who we are & your purpose In Christ.

The great commission is found in the Bible, and it is a mandate from God to go forth and spread His message throughout the world. It tells us to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


One of the most important things to remember is that it’s not about us when it comes to this commission. It’s about Jesus! We are simply vessels meant to be used by God in order to spread His gospel to all corners of the earth. We don’t claim knowledge or wisdom as our own, but instead share God’s word so that others may learn the truth.

We want to be careful not to water down the message of salvation, but also make sure that it is accessible to all. We can do this by using language that is clear and concise, as well as being mindful that people from different cultures and backgrounds may need additional information or context in order to thoroughly comprehend the gospel.

Ultimately, it’s our job as Christians to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us. This is the task we are given by God, and it’s not one we should take lightly. When we lift up Jesus, people are drawn to Him and begin a journey of faith. So let us all be vessels for Him, proclaiming His truth and grace to all who will listen. Thank you for taking the time to listen in, and may God bless you on your own journey of faith.

The great commission.  It’s not about us.  It’s about Yeshua!  The scriptures tell us as we lift Him up.  He will draw all men into Him.  I am just a vessel to be used by Him.   I don’t need to claim information as my own.  All wisdom comes from God alone.  We are just reiterating it to spread the truth to this lost world. 

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main topics include:

This speech is about discovering who we are and how society has sought to define us.

Have you ever stopped to think about who you really are? Who you are in the eyes of God? Maybe you’ve been taught that you have to fit into a box created by society, from your job to the way you dress, from the ideals you live by to what kind of car you drive. But why do we put so much emphasis on these things?

These boxes are created by society, but what does God say? Because in order to truly discover who we are, understanding our purpose is key. After all, we were created by God. We were made with a specific plan in mind, and that plan has nothing to do with any of the boxes that society creates.

So, if we can let go of what society tells us, then what can fill the void? The answer is that we must look within ourselves and through scripture. The Bible is filled with stories of people and how they lived out their purpose. It outlines God’s heart for us, and how He calls us to be courageous and loving, how He sees our potential.

God is the manufacturer.  We carry His brand.  His brand has a guarantee.  We must look into ourselves and prayerfully contemplate how we can become more like Yeshua. We have to have faith and believe that God has given us everything we need to be all that He has created us to be.

So, don’t be defined by the boxes society puts you in. Redefine who you are by discerning your purpose. Discover through scriptures guidance, believe in the finish work of God. 


We all have struggles in life, but our overall struggle is not with people. The Bible tells us that we “fight not with flesh and blood” (Ephesians 6:12), but rather against the enemy forces of darkness that strive to keep us from the truth. This battle is determining what is Truth vs. Lies.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most powerful message of transformation in the world. It has the power to break through the lies that have been spread and lead us to freedom. This speech dives into the root to the lies we believe.  Many lies stem from our childhood traumas.  Our subconscious programming that has taught us lies about who we are and the life we live.  This speech encourages believer to use the truth of Gods word to destroy the lies of the enemy. To take every thought captive and align it with Gods word.

Although it can be difficult, we must remain vigilant and prepared to fight for the truth. We must be strong and courageous in standing up for what is good, even when it conflicts with the lies of the world. 


The Heart of the Presentation

Each topic demonstrates that we all are still trying to figure out life. Many of us go to college, get a degree. We work at a corporation and are still asking ourselves…. Why are we here? Why aren’t we happy with our career? What is my purpose? Who am I? What am I good at? How do I relate to others? Bianca serves up an inspirational message on self-discovery, relationships and life purpose that will boost the morale and effectiveness of your audience. Those attending will gain a better understanding of how unique they are, how to relate to others and operate in their life purpose.

Key Takeaways

Learn what God says about who you are

Gain insight into how you were taught to view who you are and others

Learn the differences between your talents and gifts.

Identify key steps to move closer to operating in your purpose

Understand how to effectively use your talents and gifts in the current position you are in.

Learn how to effectively communicate and relate to your peers

Learn how to better yourself in order to help others.

Participants will leave equipped with clarity, understanding and practical strategies geared toward a healthier, happier, and more productive way of living.