Leadership Development, Diversity Equity and Emotional Wellness Workshops

Join LIVE workshops

Life Empowerment Workshops

Presentation Format

Our Workshops coincide with our speaking presentation. They are designed to re-enforce biblical principles through, repetition, memorization and application.

Our Workshops use interactive exercises to emphasize practical implementation of biblical truths. That will produce the evidence of spiritual fruit in the life of the believer.

Use humor and positive energy and authenticity to bring home the message that we are uniquely made for a greater purpose… We war with our flesh. But we walk after the spirit.

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workshop topics include:

Let’s discover who you are. Are you tired of running of the crazy hamster wheel of life? Are you ready to know exactly what is holding you back from from being who God called you to be? Or maybe you have already done this work and feel stuck or stuck in your old ways and need guidance in moving forward. Perhaps you are looking for a way to heal from some trauma and a way to forgive yourself or others. Whatever your reason is, this workshop is designed to help you discover who God created you to be.

This interactive workshop will help you discover the lies that are preventing you from freedom, peace and growth. You’ll leave with a fresh perspective on life and a “toolbox” of valuable practices to help you keep coming back to your truth.  It is a teaser to the Freedom in Christ Discipleship class, Freedom appointment or Life coaching session 

Reframing communication is designed to help participants take a closer look at how they communicate with others. Each session will be interactive, focusing on practical ways that you can respond to high conflict in your relationships and how to develop more biblically constructive ways of communicating with high-conflicting people.

At the end of the session, each person is given helpful words of affirmations, prayers and cheat sheets on responses to situations. Participants will walk away with improved communication skills and new tips for dealing with difficult people in a godly way. 


Great materials make a great presentation.  Bianca is ready to help you get the most out of your meeting.   Custom workshops can be tailored to meet specific needs and timeframes.  Work together to develop material that truly engages your audience.


24hr access Workshops For Free

Discovering who you are




BOOKLET, Worksheets and Assessments


StrongHold Busters





3-In Person (once a month) 1hr fun interactive sessions to reinforce information learned

Reframing Communication





Free educational material

At Freedom in Yeshua Ministries, we believe that belief requires action. It is not enough to simply believe in Yeshua. As Christians, we have to put that belief into action. We must put forth effort to develop our faith and grow in maturity.  That’s why we have created this platform! Our mission is to provide you with free materials to help you grow mature in Christ. Every day, we will provide new materials such as Bible Studies, and Biblical Research and Answers to your Faith in Christ,  that will help you on your journey. 

We understand that this journey is not given to the swift.  But to those who endure to the end. We want you to have all the resources you need to help you grow mature in Christ.

We are here to support you on this journey. We want you to thrive in your faith and experience the fullness of life that comes through a healthy relationship with Christ. The materials we provide will empower you on this path and allow you to learn and grow more in Christ.

Video Presentations

Join our YouTube channel! Here we’ll be providing biblical studies and lessons to help you develop and grow in your Christian maturity. We can’t wait to have you join us in our journey of deepening understanding and love for Yeshua. Subscribe now and let’s get started!

Take your Bible-Study to a deeper level
Discover Hebrew

I am sure most have read many books be it fiction, scientific, or religious. But the Bible by far outshines any book that you could ever read. There is no other book that you could read, where the book comes alive! Yes, the words literally jump off the pages!

The Bible contains many Hebraic Numeric patterns that can’t be found in any other historical document or book, not even in the Apocrypha, the Book of Enoch, or the Talmud.

Yes I said that right! NO OTHER BOOK HAS these obvious patterns in numbers and letters! This fact alone should make you pause and go HMM! The Bible is legit and it is tested to prove it’s divinity and spiritual power. The Bible is the word of God!!

These patterns are more than just interesting. They have profound meaning. For example, numerical values are tied to key words in some passages.  This knowledge takes your Bible study to an entire new level of understanding and interpretation of scripture.


If that isn’t enough to convince you. Than you should take a mental note that we have documentary evidence for the Bible. archaeologists continue to verify historical claims made about people, places, and events.

Even when they attempt to disprove the Bible. They end up proving the Bible is absolutely right! As we continue to study ancient Jewish texts like the Dead Sea Scrolls, it helps use understand more about the world Jesus lived in during His time on earth. God’s Word stands up to all the naysayers and scrutiny .

All of this evidence should encourage you to look at the Bible from a spiritual perspective not just a physical one. I know some of you say it just a book that contains stories and ideas that can be received as mere teachings of morality and ethics, but if you look at the Bible in its entirety it will show you that there is so much more to this book than that. It is not just any old book!

It is God’s wisdom, guidance and promises for us.

The Bible offers us hope and guidance that you can’t find anywhere else.  People use the Bible to create their own books of wisdom! But it all comes from one source! God! He alone desires all praise and glory! He is wisdom and the creator of it!

The Bible is the only book that has the power to unlock a new level of understanding. God is real and he is revealing Himself to us seeker like never before!

Keynote Objectives

1. Learn what defines who you are

2. Gain a greater understanding of the challenges and obstacles that prevent us from succeeding. We can control how we respond to life's challenges and stress. We can be emotionally resilient by changing our perspectives.

3. Offer strategies to overcome challenges and obstacles by using positive coping techniques. For example, retrain our brain to reroute negative thought habits to positive reinforcements.

4. Offer strategies to maintain a productive mindset.

5. Share laughter and positive energy!


351 prophecies that Yeshua fulfilled

Build your confidence in what you believe. Yeshua is our Faith. He is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things unseen.

Learn how to have a response to those who don't believe that Yeshua is the way the truth and the life.