Why Life Coaching

People allow their doubts, fears, and distractions to interfere with their career goals, relationship goals, health, and financial goals.

People don’t need more life hacks, another 5 steps list, the idiot’s guide to meditation, or another “get rich quick” scheme.

We All Need A

Life Coach

Everyone needs an Accountability Partner! But, the truth is we need encouragement! No one likes Change. It is hard. It takes commitment to achieve goals. Chartering new territories can be scary. But with a partner or a guide, old patterns and habits can stifle our dreams and desires. They can distract us and dem our energy, and fade our drive.

A life coach helps you create your vision and make it plain. Then, strategize a plan to arrive at your goals.

A life coach is an accountability partner. Who expects the best of you and raises the bar to higher expectations and standards.

A life coach sees the best in you and your potential. Therefore, they won't allow you to settle for anything less than excellence.

A life coach helps you discover your purpose in life and overcome your obstacles and challenges.

A life coach is your guide to steer your mind and thoughts in the right direction. So you can feel confident and master the discipline of success.

A life coach ensures that you stay committed to the process. Even when you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or distracted by life.

A life coach is that support system when others don't believe in your dreams. We are a expert or guide that points you the right direction towards a successful career, business, relationships, or life.

My Mission

The goal and mission is to help people find permanent Freedom and Deliverance. Freedom In Yeshua Ministries provides Christian based Life Coaching. My unique approach to life coaching involved intermixing psychology and biblical understanding to the problems of life. I believe that in order to receive full healing. One must address both the physical and the spiritual. It is my goal to educate, inspire and lead people to freedom in Yeshua. In order to do this… I use a variety of social media platforms that are designed to edify the whole person – spirit, soul & body.

My desire is to be a vessel to assist people in their personal development, relationships and pursuit of their purpose. I believe that each person has the capacity to fulfill his or her unique purpose in life. My purpose is to motivate and challenge people to transform into that unique and awesome person they were created to be.

Unfortunately, many of us self sabotage and don’t recognize that we prevent our own progress. Some of us lack motivation and struggle from self-limiting mindsets that stem from subconscious programs due to childhood trauma.

My goal is to help people identify what the bible calls “Spiritual strongholds’. Or what psychology calls, self-limiting “subconscious neuropathways’ ‘. Once people identify these self-limiting mindsets and self-sabotaging patterns. We can replace them with “TRUTH”. This truth is rooted in biblical truths that will increase their capacity to function in relationships and bring reconciliation where necessary. To rebuild broken relationships and restore their self-image.

Freedom in Yeshua Ministries is unique. My method aligns the whole person, spirit, soul and body. It is understood that to live in FREEDOM the way Yahweh intended. We must address the whole being of each person.

Healing is a journey. I am here to point you the healer who and heal past wounds, or be your encourager to motivate you to start that business you’ve dreamed of. I am there step by step with you on your journey towards success


About Inspiring Others

Change to: I am passionate about inspiring, encouraging, and empowering people to make the changes necessary in life to reach their full potential and engage in healthy relationships. As a life coach, ambassador to Christ kingdom, and author, I am firmly committed to the call to set captives FREE. To defeat the negative thoughts and conquer the battlefield of the mind. My coaching and training focus on empowering individuals by helping them understand why they behave the way they do, identifying the lies and negative thought processes we were programmed to believe through our traumas. Finally, to provide the tools necessary to change these issues permanently.

I desire to see people discover who they are in Christ and the awesome potential that our creator has invested in His creation.

My goal is to see people FREE through coaching, webinars, educational resources, and speaking engagements. To break strongholds of negative thought patterns and to be healed from past wounds and abuse. Our YouTube and TikTok videos are a source of understanding, inspiration, and freedom for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide as they discover who they are and their purpose in life.

My Qualifications

Yahweh qualifies me! he called and chose me to be an ambassador for his kingdom

15 years of Entrepreneurial Experience

10 years experience with Marriage and Parenting

20 years experience with Narcissism (Parents and Toxic spouses)

Social and Emotional Wellness speaker