Reframing communication Workshop #2

What is Blame Speak and why is it easy for us to “Clap back” when we feel attacked? (1st workshop recommended)

Learn how to address difficult bosses, family members and social media trolls, and more.  Become an eloquent communicator and peacemaker.

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Hourly Schedule

Exercise: BIFF Response: Brief, Informational, Friendly, Firm. How To Deal with a Toxic, Difficult and conflicting Ex or Co-Parent

7pm - 7:30pm

Exercise: BIFF Response: Brief, Informational, Friendly, Firm.  How To Deal with a Toxic, Difficult and conflicting family members

7:30pm - 8pm

BIFF Response: Brief, Informational, Friendly, Firm. for Social Media attacks and drama. 

8pm - 8:30pm

Top 12 Tips for Co-Parenting Boundaries

8:30pm - 9pm


  1. The information seems so easy. But, actually doing it in practice will be so difficult. I really like how Bianca talks about the psychology of the brain.

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